Friday, February 2, 2007

Yesterday With My Parents

My parents came to visit yesterday and it was great! I have missed them so much! It was great to just get a chance to shop with my mom and talk about things. The older I get the more I understand my mom. I used to think that she was just trying to restrict me and take away my freedom and fun, but now I see that the things she was doing was to protect me and make me a better person. I hope it worked. :)

After our shopping trip we came back to the apartment and took some pictures. What do you think? Do I look like my mom?

Ironically, before we took this picture I was wearing my pretty new shirt, but I changed it because I didn't want Angel to puke on it. It's not the best picture of me, that's for sure. I almost didn't post it, but my mom is adorable. :)

We also tried to get a good picture of my parents with all three boys. This was quite a task, since first His Majesty wasn't looking, then he was bending over, then Dad wasn't looking and so on and so forth. We finally came up with this, which is a decent picture I suppose.

Serious red-eye because I haven't had the chance to edit yet. :S


Tami said...

You and your mom are both adorable. I love the family pic. Poptart looks like he is having a blast.

Dustanne said...

you are both adorable Tink!!!!!
Miss the glasses though. Doesn't look like you, you look older, more sophisticated. hee hee

Good to see the family together especially the boys
