Tuesday, February 13, 2007

As the World Turns...

Someone falls off. Or so a friend of mine once said. Today, I think it's going to be me. I feel exceptionally tired and I don't have what it takes to cling to the edge anymore. I think a freefall off the world is just what the doctor ordered.

So here I am, letting it all go. Why can't I just get off my butt and do what needs to be done instead of sitting here blogging about the boring life I lead?

It's not what I had pictured life to be. I had pictured an immaculate home, angelic children in clean, adorable outfits, and me, well-groomed and manicured, sipping coffee as I blog about my wonderful life.

Instead I haven't been keeping on top of the laundry like I should be...there is a mountain of it next to my laundry room door. The dishes only got washed last night because Pan took pity on me and did them for me. My bedroom is a disaster and my bathroom needs to be cleaned again. The children are in pyjamas until after noon, if I manage to get them dressed at all, and then it's usually overalls and a t-shirt. Something that within an hour is stained with Kool-Aid and covered in chalk or crayon marks in Poptart's case, spit-up in Angel's case. And me? My hair, which hasn't been washed today, in a messy ponytail and chipped nail polish as I blog about my boredom. I don't have coffee to sip on, because I don't have the energy to go and make it.

So today, instead of trying to cling to the edge of the world and make an effort to achieve my fantasy, I'm going to let go and fall off. When I finally climb back on, I'll be sure to blog about it. ;-)


Tami said...

There will be no falling as long as I am tied to the other end of your life line. Come on girl help me pull you up.
Love you,

Dustanne said...

I am here on another side to Tink...helping Tami, helping you. The rumateers stick together and nothing shall come between us!!!!
Don't let go love, you hang on to us and we will hang on for you.
Lots of love