It's not always easy! My mom made it look like being a stay at home mom was the simplest job that any woman could have! She was one of those women who prompted men and working women to say "Yeah, but she doesn't work." She never seemed to get flustered, her house was always clean, and dinner was always on time - and we ate at the table instead of in front of the television. I'm still struggling with how in the world to get anything done in the run of the day other than maintaining my sanity, and sometimes even that's a chore!
I love my boys, but sometimes staying at home with them all day long is almost more than I can take! Having been on the other side of the fence as well, sometimes I long for the days of paid employment. It sure had it's perks. For example, taking a sick day meant that you didn't have to do your job for that day. As a stay at home mom, it means doing everything you normally do while trying not to faint from sinus pain and with a tissue tucked in your bra. It was also a great bonus to be able to have a normal conversation with someone whose favorite phrase was not "I got a cool car!", unless you got stuck in the lunchroom with Phil the Pimp who thought his Camaro was the hottest thing to ever hit the pavement.
Sometimes I think it would be a treat to go back to work. Shorter hours, adult conversation and a paycheck. Imagine! Getting paid for busting your butt all day!
This is a thankless job, but when I have moments like this one...The King calling from his grandma's house because he wants to know what everyone is doing (aka what he's missing), Angel sleeping peacefully in his bassinette and Poptart yelling answers at "Dora the Explorer"...I'm glad I chose to be a stay at home mom. They are little for such a short time and I wouldn't want to miss a moment of this precious time.
Sweet Sweet Tink. There will be plenty of time for a paycheck when those darling lil boys are grown. Enjoy it while you can and I will try to help you keep your sanity. I love ya....
I am here and loving and missing ya, and when I read this I cry as I know how it is. I have been there love, single, working and now the stay at home.
The yelling to answer Dora, chatting with the eldest on the message board, and the Princess herself with her hand on her hip giving you the look, like 'you talkin' to me'
Just a few provinces away am I and a few states Tami (unless we convince her otherwise...hee hee)
And we do love you....lotsa!!!! your blog blinkie...he he
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