Friday, March 23, 2007


I'd like to report someone missing...

MY BEST FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tami has not been on MSN or blogging in days and days...has anyone seen her? I'm ready to call the police! And I'm having phone trouble so I can't call her!

Tami, if you're out there, PLEASE message me or email me or blog or SOMETHING! I'm so worried!

1 comment:

Tami said...

Here I am!!!!! Sorry to worry you. It seems like everytime I turn around there is another box to be unpacked. I am beginning to think that we have boxes that belong to someone else but when I open them it is our stuff afterall. Plus I was knee deep in munchkins all weekend for Devin's bday and that involved all kinds of fun stuff including bandaids and stitches debates.
I promise to do better and will try my best to get on msn today when you are there also.
