Monday, June 18, 2007


How do you make a man do something in your time rather than his? Ever since mother's day I've been trying to get Pan to hook up my camera dock so I can upload my pictures from my new digital camera, but no luck. He's said about 500 times (after I've nagged), "I'll do that right now."

A month later, I still don't have my camera dock connected to my computer. So the pictures will come, they just might take a little while.

In the meantime, I've been working on getting my house back under control and getting Poptart's room the way I want it. We haven't painted or anything since it's a rental apartment, but we are thinking of asking the landlord if he minds if we change it from the mint green to a pale blue. I don't think he'll have a problem with that. Poptart is in a bed now, no more crib, so we want to make his room less of a nursery and more of a little boy's room.

We had to buy a new crib for Angel. When we tried to move Poptart's old crib into our bedroom, the railing cracked, so it got tossed out. We bought him a new crib last night and a beautiful bedding set. Pan is in the process now of switching around our room to put the crib in there because we don't think it would be a good idea for Poptart and Angel to share a room. Neither of them would sleep well.

His Majesty is doing great as well. He's very tanned and having a great time. He and Poptart are camping with their grandparents at intervals throughout the summer, and they love it. Somehow I think my mom likes it as well.

Summer has finally arrived here on the east coast, and boy have we been enjoying the weather. We've been out more in the past 2 weeks that we were in the entire 6 months previous. The sun has been shining and it's been incredibly warm, even hot. I hope this good weather is here to stay! I love summer!

So for those of you who have been looking for me on MSN or calling me - it's probably not much use. I'm almost never home now!

Back to enjoying my summer vacation! Later y'all!


Mary said...

Hate that I keep missing you.
I'm on right now and will be leaving the comp on during the day while I do chores.
Just send me a nudge.

Tami said...

Enjoy the weather it is some kind of hot here. I will be out of town for the weekend,but will look for you when I get back. Miss you and the boys tremendously...
love ya